
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sidewalk Painting

I know by now you've seen these paints all over blogland, but we had so much fun today I just had to share
The kids painted their feet as much as the sidewalk

All you need to make the sidewalk paint is 1 part cornstarch

+ 1 part water

mix it up and add a few drops of food coloring
now you get to paint!

Girlie started scooping and pouring it on the sidewalk

little artists!
We will be doing this again and again throughout the summer.  So easy and lots of fun.  The kids' hands were a little stained from the food coloring, but I'm sure they'll be better in a couple days.

Hope you're having a fun summer so far!
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This post was featured here 


  1. What a fantastic project! I featured you in my BEST Summer activities post--
    Come by and say hi! Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. How fun! I haven't seen the recipe yet!

    Would love for you to share at Calling All Crafters!

  3. So much fun!
    I would love if you would share it at our Weekly Playdate~ a kid and family themed link party...

    Come & Play :: Playdate

  4. That looks like so much fun! I'll have to try this with my little girl.

  5. We've done sidewalk paint before, but the muffin pan is a great idea!

  6. Well, even if it is all over blogland, I haven't noticed it yet!! LOVE THIS! I start off every summer planning on being "that" mom that plays and teaches all summer....and yet I never seem to be organized enough! This is really quick and easy to do and I can't wait.
    Thanks also for stopping by my blog! It means more than you know

  7. The grandkids are coming...the grandkids are coming. This will certainly be on the 'to do' list. Thanks for sharing.

  8. so excited to try this! thaks for the fun idea- I haven't seen this before!

  9. Wow! I've never seen that before! We will have to try that for sure! Thanks for the tip!


  10. I may have seen the recipe before, but these pictures definitely make me want to do this! Pinning right now!

  11. Oh my, that looks like so much fun! I bet the kids loved it! Thanks for the blog visit :)

    Dacia @ Creative Mommas

  12. um, that's A LOT easier than I thought it would be. How fun!

  13. How fun! And I loved your Fancy Pants Plants! Great ideas!
    Coming from the Eisy Morgan Wed. Linky!!

  14. That is so cute! I love this idea! How fun for little ones!

  15. I love that first pic with paint and feet :-)

    How did it wash off your sidewalk? I've seen this idea but been nervous about the permanent stain possibilities.

  16. I can't wait to do this with my daugter. Great post. I am now following your blog. Please come visit me at

  17. That looks like so much fun!!! I bet your daughter loved it!


  18. Love these! Such a great way to spend a summer day! Will have to try these with the kids! Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  19. what a fun idea (and I hadn't seen this on blogland yet) - definitely need to borrow this one for my girlies, I shared this on my FB page tonight! :)

  20. This is the best kind of kid-craft: easy, colorful, creative and fun! Your photos are fabulous too!

    Thank you so much for linking up to last week's "A Little Birdie Told Me...". My apologies for the belated vist -- with July 4 falling on a Monday, it threw my whole schedule off, and I'm just now making the rounds to visit the party-goers from that week. Best, Jenn

    P.S. I'm featuring your post on my Facebook page.

  21. love this simple recipe. I will have to try it - I imagined a much more complex process.

    Would love for you to share this & any other fun ideas on the Sunday Showcase Child Centered Linky Party -


  22. Still- it never get old! Thank you for sharing this idea with us on The Sunday Showcase ;-)

  23. I remember when I was little my mom would get mad that I had paint over me after painting. I think though it was good to express myself at a young age.


  24. تعد شركه جودا كلين من افضل شركات تنظيف الخزانات بالرياض وداخل المملكة العربية السعودية ، ان خزانات المياه من المصادر التى تعتمد عليها المنازل فى معظم المملكة العربية السعودية وتنظيف خزانات المياه بالرياض من اهم المهمات التى تقدمها شركتنا فى مجال التنظيف حيث تقوم شركه تنظيف خزانات بالرياض بالاعتماد على ماده الابوكسى الخاصه بتنظيف الخزانات فهذه افضل المواد تعمل بمثابه الخل للقيام بازاله الطحالب او الرواسب او القيام بازاله الاوساخ من الخزان والتمتع بخزان نظيف وخالى من اى تلوث او اى امراض
    تقدم شركة جودا كلين خدمات مميزة باسعار مميزة
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    شركة عزل فوم بالرياض
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
    مهندس فحص فلل
    شركة لحام خزانات الفيبر جلاس


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