
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jute-wrapped Letter Hooks

I found these letters with a hook on the bottom at Michaels for $1 each.  But they were all white.

I really didn't like the way they looked (do you see how wacky the bottom of that "J" is???) so I doctored them up with some jute twine.  These are the supplies I used:
  • wooden letters with hook
  • jute twine (got it at Home Depot)
  • glue gun
  • mini phillips screwdriver
 The "J" was pretty easy, so I'm glad I started with that one.  I put a little hot glue on the back of the letter and started wrapping
Yep, that's a coffee bean stuck to the side of my glue gun.  I'm classy, I know.  I'll try to take it off eventually.

I continued wrapping, using a little hot glue here and there as I went.
I tried to be careful not to cover up the hook in the back, which caused some of the wrapping to be messy.  I'm now glad I didn't try to wrap it perfectly; I kind of like the haphazard look on these.

Just keep wrapping until you're almost done.
This part got a little tricky since I was running out of room in the hooked part of the "J".  I just wrestled with it a little to get it in there.

This part I used a ton of hot glue... I was completely out of space for wrapping it all the away around.  I decided to just coil it to finish it off and use glue to keep it secure.

And now it's done!  Yay!

Now on to the "M".  This one is a little more tricky since that bar goes across the bottom (making it difficult to wrap).

So I just took it off!  I unscrewed it from the back and then put it back on right before I was about to wrap that part.

All done!  Now the kids have a place to hang their own stuff by the door.  It's a right above the shoe bin (which changed my life, by the way) and under the "stuff I need to take with me but I don't want the kids touching it before we leave the house" storage thingy.

Let's see how long they last before a kiddo pulls one out of the wall

This was fun.  Maybe I'll go wrap something else!  See you again soon.


  1. Bloggers like you are amazingly creative! Job well done!

  2. I have the letters and jute, now I know what to do with them...

    I am inviting you to join our linking parties going on every week starting on Wednesdays at
    Have a fabulous week,

  3. Awesome idea!!! Looks so much better!

  4. I love these! I have the same letters at home for my little guys.. but alas I was lazy and left them as is.. I guess I better get working to make mine as cute as yours! Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party! Can't wait to see what you share next week!

  5. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing :)


  6. I love them!


  7. Too Cute!! I love this idea!! I'm stopping by from Ginger Snap Crafts! Come check out and enter my very first give away at!

  8. Hi this is taylor from the Hannah Handmade team. I wanted to say that your stuff is really awesome! I just followed you, come follow me back? :)!/pages/Hannah-Handmade/200408909971427

  9. These turned out so cute!! I love the natural feel of them now! And I love that you found a coffee bean from your last project on your glue gun!!

  10. Those are so cute! And I just happen to have one of those hooks from Michael's... I might have to borrow this idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. love them with children heading off to school to live in the dorms I love this idea will try to borrow it for them come see me at

  12. Great way to get kids to put their things in place. Your newest follower!

  13. So cute! They look much better with the jute!!

  14. Hi Jamie,
    These turned out awesome. Very creative idea. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Smiles,

  15. Awesome idea! I've seen those letters so often and never thought to do this to them. Great transformation!

  16. I've seen these letter hooks at Michaels and keep picking them up trying to think of how I can utilize them at home and your idea gave me just the perfect idea! So cute!

  17. Just like Jennifer says, I've seen these and have picked them up and put them down and now I'm picking them up again for sure! Thanks for linking up to this week's BFF Open House!

  18. I love the way the natural look of the jute works on those letters. Beautifully done!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17!



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