
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Repurposed Wine Thingies

I'm not much of a wine drinker... if you read this post, you know I think beer is where it's at.  I'll show you how to take a couple of items intended for wine bottles and make them useful for something else!

This is my IKEA wine bottle holder.

I don't have much wine, but I do have a lot of these!
I put some hooks on the wall for the dishtowels that are currently "in use" and I keep the fresh ones rolled up in the bottle holder.  We have very little drawer space in our kitchen so I figured I'd just put it all on the wall.  This would work great in a bathroom too!

It needed a little something on the top, so I put up our measuring spoons.

Here's another idea... this is a grocery store wine bottle carrier
It is also my favorite brush carrier!
 I know this isn't how many pros carry around their brushes, but hey, it works for me.

because no one likes to save these cover things for storing their brushes (or is it just me?)

And if you like to drink on the job...
Kidding!  You know I'm kidding, right?

Do you have a favorite repurposed item in your home?  Tell me about it in the comments!
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  1. that's how you do it! drink while you I know your secret to being uber talented ;) haha! Great ideas! And I didn't even know there was a grocery bag made just for holding wine bottles!

  2. that is a great idea! but of course i think i would rather have mine filled with wine bottles.

  3. This isn't a huge re-purposing idea, but I use a wall mounted Ikea magazine holder to keep the kids' colouring books organized and easy to access.

  4. LOL - love your ideas! It's so fun to see something differently that what it was intended for!

  5. Smart and very cool-looking! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great ideas. We have several of the grocery store wine bags and now live in a state where you can't readily buy wine, so we never use them. I like the idea of repurposing it!

    Have a great day.

  7. Thse are great ideas and they look super, too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is such a labor of love! Thanks for linking up at Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  9. I love your cute ideas..
    xo bj

  10. Very Good idea, even though I love wine!
    new follower, hope to see you visit!

  11. Very clever idea for towels! Love it. (but I think I'd have to use mine for wine :D )

  12. You've got to love ikea! Love the idea of the bottle bag too- ha ha! Lynda

  13. What a cute repurpose!! It works great as you are using it~Thanks for sharing this at FNF :)

  14. I love what you did and was so happy to feature it!

  15. What a creative idea for towels!! Like you, I have far more kitchen towels than bottles of wine and as I recall that IKEA rack was pretty cheap. Neither my kitchen or baths have drawer space. So glad I found this.

  16. Wow, great organizational ideas! Please come link up at my Mommy Monday link party. I'd love to see you there

  17. Thanks for linking up at Bacon Time. Love your organiztion tips.

  18. but...where did you find those adorable measuring spoons? I love them because they are elongated.

  19. do you remember where you found your fish measuring spoon set? I have been looking for that exact set forever!!


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