
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Calm Jar: Fail

I found an idea for a "calm jar" on pinterest.  My kids are anything but calm... this beautiful jar can solve all our problems, right?  Just watching those beautiful sparkles settle is supposed to have a soothing effect on adults and children alike.

Here's one thing I neglected to mention.  I'm not calm.  Even when I'm pretending to be calm I can't be calm.  Genetically and environmentally my children never had a chance at being calm.

Back to the jar.

I went to the store to get my supplies.  I followed the directions and made my calm jar.  It was beautiful and sparkly and amazing.

Now I want to see this thing in action... you know, really get those sparkles moving around.  Shake shake shake shake shake smash!!!!

It looked like a magical unicorn had vomited all over my kitchen floor.  Thank God the jar didn't break... the lid just popped off when it slipped out of my hand and the contents spilled everywhere.

Needless to say, I was pretty worked up.  And that's how I make a calm jar.


This post is featured here

Craft Junkie Too Friend


  1. well i will take magical unicorn vomit over the vomit i was dealing with the other day! ;)
    what a mess! oh well- accidents happen.

  2. ps- just get right back on that horse, er magical unicorn.

  3. HAHAHAAHAHAHA! This post is hilarious. I love the authenticity-it's nice to know other people try things that end up in mess on the floor :-) Love you!

  4. I had to laugh. I'm sorry but oh well. It was fun while it lasted!

  5. I found you through the Sunday social but this post is going to keep me coming back. Haahaha. Magical Unicorn vomit!!! Epic. Love it!

  6. Very funny!!! So much for the calm...hey, but maybe that magical unicorn will now have an effect on the kitchen as a whole?

  7. Ohhh noooo. And please forgive me that I am laughing as I read this. Thank you for being another blogger that posts your fails, I thought I was the only one, and mine tend to be epic. lol. Did you make a second attempt?

    Definitely a follower, thanks for the awesome post. Stop by and see my fails- generally of the cooking kind- at

    Have a great day!!

  8. LOL how can we not laugh?!

    You started with the wrong color, that bright blue is anything but calming. :o)

  9. that is hilarious! I found you through I Heart Naptime's Sunday Scoop. That is so funny! I can see that happening at my house too!

    I'm your newest follower!

  10. LOL...this is my life! It's funny how something like this will get you all worked up when it happens and then later you laugh until you cry! Happy Sunday!

  11. ROFLMAO at "magical unicorn vomit"! So sorry about the mess, but glad to see you have a good attitude about it. You don't have a calm jar, but you've got a great story that will last for years!

  12. This is great, I have seen these as well and I just wonder if I could focus long enough to se the glitter fall and calm me down. Can't wait to see your upcoming posts'

  13. That's rich! What a bugger. At least you were able to laugh at this. Laughter isn't calming, but it is healing.

  14. Shake, shake--- oh no- calm-no-more!

    Nice try though!

    Visiting from Craft-O-Maniac linky party- thanks for sharing!
    ~Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois at WhyCuzICan

  15. Popped over from a link on "Under the Table and Dreaming" and am soooooooo glad I did. This is just what I needed on a Monday morning! So sorry it turned out the way it did...but through this post you gained a new follower. Love your sense of humor & sharing of boo-boos! Although I don't envy you the clean-up.... (And I thought re-caulking my shower last evening was a messy, messy ordeal!) ;)

  16. Well, your floor is a lovely shade of blue...very festive. :-)

    At least you were able to maintain your sense of humor about the whole thing, and this will make one heck of a memory to recount later on!

    The jar was very pretty, even if it only lasted a short time.

  17. Thanks for this post. It made me grin. Keep that sense of humour: It's as good as (or better than) calm any day.

  18. Oh that's not good! But at least you're keeping it real - the good, the bad of crafting! And hey, it made for an interesting blg post! Thanks for making me smile!

  19. Haha thats so awesome. No offense, this just sounds like something that happens to me ALL OF THE TIME! I see adorable things on pinterest, give them a try, and they end up... not so good, and I just get all worked up! Hope your unicorn vomit was easy to clean up X-)

  20. Oh my gosh - I was thinking about doing this for my 4 year old and saw your blog comments on this. This is the best thing ever - I am totally rethinking doing this now. I am in no way calm and my child is just as crazy. Accident waiting to happen... I think so!

  21. Oh man...that would be our house. So sorry!

  22. Wa it! At least you got a blog post out of it. Probably better then if it wasn't a fail anyways :).

  23. Hahahaha I love the part about the magical unicorn :D This could be quite an interesting project but I don't think it would work very well in our house least you didn't have to deal with broken glass!

  24. At least you can laugh about it. Doesn't laughter calm you down? Or at least not make you angrier. I also made a calming jar, even blogged about wanting to make one here:
    I couldn't get mine to work right. A lot of the glitter kept coming to the top instead of settling. Not very calming either.
    Found your blog from HOH. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Thanks for such a great laugh!! Don't worry. I do not come from a calm family either! I have two very energetic boys. There is no calm in my house either.

  26. Still laughing over the Unicorn Vomit on your floor! I have this on my to-do list as well. Thanks for the warning about the possibility of a slip. And best of luck on your next Pinterest project!

  27. hahahaha, that is hilarious. I especially like the unicorn vomit part.

  28. That is so what would happen at our house!

  29. sorry!! Looks like something that I would experience! :)
    Happy you linked to Things I've Done Thursday this week.

  30. Bawahahaha...

    not laughing at you, just with you...

    This is totally something I would do!

  31. We tried the calm jar too, I think there is a book about it, Moody Cow, or something similar.

  32. Oh Jamie! I'm so glad you could see the humor in it and think on your feet enough to take pics and then share them! I'd be screaming, crying, and running to the chocolate stash. Thanks so much for sharing and keeping it real.

  33. ah hah! Thank you for the best laugh ever. My husband (who is in full gamer gear right now - headset and all) is looking at me like a spooked gazelle. Not only was this post funny (and we really have to laugh at ourselves sometimes) but I can most certainly relate to fails like this.

  34. Oh good grief! Glitter AND least it wasn't on carpet. Thank you for a good laugh - and the jar was pretty cute to begin with.

  35. Hahaha! Its very pretty! I have to try the calm jar...but like you, I am never calm!

  36. Lol! Too funny! I'm sorry for your floor, but thanks for the laugh! You know, I've seen the calm jars on pinterest and pictured my kids throwing it in a fit of rage. Maybe I'll be making one from a plastic peanut butter jar? Thanks for sharing! :)

  37. Haha! I pinned the idea, too but haven't tried it. Good to know. I found your link on Chef in Training. Renea.

  38. "It looked like a magical unicorn had vomited all over my kitchen floor."


    Best blog post I've read all week. Love you!


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