
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ruffly Crayon Apron Tutorial

I made this for my bestie's little girl last week

I am going to attempt to tell you how I did it.  In the interest of full disclosure:  I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to sewing and this is not going to be a very technical tutorial.  I don't know how to read a pattern or how to use half the functions on my very simple sewing machine.  I don't know all the lingo so just bear with me; I will use the word "topstitch" because it is the one word I understand and it makes me feel cool to say it.

Here we go.

Get some fun fabrics
I obviously didn't end up using that pink leopard fabric, but isn't it cute?

Prewash your fabric and cut it into the following pieces:
Waistband:  4.5" x 42"
Body:  8.5" x 16"
Ruffle:  4.5" x 42"
Crayon pocket:  5" x 16"
*These dimensions don't have to be exact!  You're going to want the crayon pocket width to match up with the body of the apron, so those are those are the only two that should be close.  This apron fits a 2-4 year old.*
I started with the waistband because I knew it would be easy.  Sew it into a "tube" inside out with between 1/4" - 1/2" seam allowance.  Oh, I guess I know what a seam allowance is.  Yay!
here I am pinning it
and sewing it
then turn it rightside out!
Tuck the ends in, pin them and sew them closed
Then topstich all the edges

Then you'll have your waistband!

Now let's start the body.  Hem the sides about 1/2"

Decide which side is the top and which is the bottom.  
Hem the bottom about 1/2"
Bunch the top so it is ruffly.  There is a quick tutorial for how to do this here.  There are plenty of tutorials on youtube for gathers and ruffles if you don't like the one I linked to.
I gathered it down to about 10" across at the top
Now center the body on the waistband, pin it generously and sew it!
Here's what you should have now

You still with me?  Good.  Next we'll do the bottom ruffle since we're so darn good at gathers now.
I wish I had more pics of this part; it was really late and I was tired.

Fold the bottom ruffle piece of fabric lengthwise, wrong sides together (rightside out).  Make a super bunchy gather close to the raw edge.  You are going to be bunching it down from 42" to about 15" (so it will match up with the hemmed body).  Measure it against the hemmed body to be sure your width is correct.  Sew the ruffle to the bottom of the body.

Now you should have this.  We're getting there...

Now it's time to sew the crayon holder.
Make another inside out "tube" like you did for the waistband.  Turn it rightside out and topstitch.  Told you I'd say topstitch a lot.

Tuck in the edges and sew them so you have this.  ***Make sure that the length of the crayon holder part is the same as the width of the body.  Adjust your seams to match the two***
You can see my prototype on the floor in the background.  I experimented with one and gave it to my daughter.

Now we get to attach the crayon pocket to the rest of the apron.  Pin it down near the ruffle, matching the pocket hem to the body hem, and sew around the sides and bottom.  ***leave the top open so there is a place to slip the crayons in***

Now it's time to mark where the stitches for the crayon compartments will go.  I made them about an inch apart
Sew each line that will be the sides of the individual crayon pockets.  Sew the entire height of the pocket for each line.  You'll be making about 15 of these.  Make sure you backstitch!
Sick of sewing yet?  This is where I start to get bored.  We're so close to being done!
Now you'll have this
and lots of these

Trim all those ugly strings!

Stick some crayons in the pockets and you're done!!!

What do you think?  Let me know if you try it!  It will take a couple of hours to do, but I think this is so worth it.  Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Ha ha! Again you crack me up! And we have about the same level of skill when it comes to sewing. Patterns are SO confusing. Love this apron, super cute!

  2. Super cute! I'd say you're pretty good at sewing! If you make another apron, you might find it easier to attach the crayon pocket to the main apron piece before attaching the waistband...that way you don't have to deal with the gathers.

  3. OmiGOSH, what a FABULOUS ultra-feminine apron!!

    Deborah (visiting from

  4. I love this crayon apron: the colourful fabrics and the ruffles. A great tutorial!

  5. adorable! My daughter would love it!

  6. I love this apron and can't wait to attempt it for my daughter. Feel free to post this and other projects at my new Success U - Wednesday Linkup Party at I look forward to meeting you over there.

  7. Oh - forgot - I am also your latest follower.

  8. Love this! Wish I could sew!

  9. now that is just genius! I'm so impressed. I don't know why I never thought of this, but it is so great. I started a link party at my blog and I'd love for you to link this up. I also have an awesome digital scrapbooking giveaway going on. If you're interested it's

  10. this is so super cute love the pink and black perfect for a little lady who has lots of coloring to do come see me at

  11. Oh Jamie, it is so cute!! What an adorable idea! You did awesome explaining it! Thank you for linking to It's a Party!

  12. I love this! So cute and girly for a fabulous little artist! I would love to see you link this post up at Freestyle Friday, going on now through Sunday night at Happy Hour Projects!

    Hope to see you there ~ Adrianne

  13. Super duper cute!!

    Love for you to stop by and link up to Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings going on now until Saturday at noon!!


  14. Your apron turned out beautifully! I love choices you made for fabric, pink and black... damask, perfect!

  15. Oh, how I wish I could sew! This is too cute, my little girl would love this...I'll be passing this idea onto my mother in law! great job!!

  16. This is so cute! I love the colours you used and such a clever idea.

  17. Oh my! This is so dang cute!! Love it! What a great idea for using up left over fabric from other projects too!
    Found you via Erin's Freshmen Party...hope to see you over at "my" place too! :)

  18. This has got to be the cutest thing ever! Love the fabric and love the style of the apron. Thanks for taking the time to write up a tutorial on it!

    Would love for you to link this up to my new diy fashion linky party called DIY Diva Thursdays! It's open until Monday ;)


  19. I just love the colors you used. I am making a mom and daughter set for my friend. I have not been in a sewing mood though, so it's not finished and the party is Sunday (oops)
    I do have a back up gift at least.
    Thank you for linking up at Bacon Time. I already follow you with GFC but just like your fb page too.

  20. First of all, the fabric is awesome! I love the colors of it all! And how creative are you?? This is an awesome creation! Great job! Thanks for sharing this @ Show & Share!

  21. Can't read a pattern to save my life but clearly you don't need them! This is so adorable. Thanks so much for linking up to this week's BFF Open House!

  22. I adore this! What a perfect gift idea for a little girl! :)

  23. Ha ha- your disclosure is awesome! But the project turned out brilliantly!
    Thanks for sharing with us :)
    Happy weekend! XO

  24. Wickedly adorable apron! Love the fabric choices. Your tutorial is Fab. Following your blog via Facebook now. I would love for you to show this off at my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! Linky is still up & running.

  25. It's like a tool belt for artists! Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  26. My daughters would love one of those aprons. I love that fabric too. So cute!

    I'd love to have you share this and any other of your amazing posts over at my linky party Create and Share. It posts every Wednesday. We open the party Tuesday evening at 8 pm for those who like to link up early. Hope you stop by...

    Tara @Trendy Treehouse

  27. That is adorable! My 2 year old daughter could wear one as she scribbles all over my walls. lol! Thanks for sharing with air your laundry Friday!


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Beautiful!! Thanks so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings, I absolutely LOVE this!! I have to make something for one of the girls I babysit for and she want a smock thing but I like this better! :)

  30. So, so beautiful! For someone who isn't a professional seamstress, you sure put this together like a pro! I had a crayon apron when I was a little girl, so this project makes me nostalgic!

    Thank you for linking up to "A Little Birdie Told Me..."!

    I'm featuring your post on my Facebook page.

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  31. this is so cute and fun! I love it!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!

  32. How adorable! I have ribbon that totally matches this apron. I am saving it for something special because I love it so much! I would love for you to come link up with the frog today, party just started this morning!
    Hope to see you there.

  33. I love the fabric you used. So pretty!
    I'd love for you to link up to my linky party.

  34. My son's golden birthday is coming in on March 4th so we will be having his first class birthday party. I have decided to try to make these for all the little girls in his class (crayon rolls for the boys) Thank you for the tutorial. I will post pictures when I'm all done!

  35. What a pretty idea. You know, I might make one for myself. I love the colours and the retro apron vibe.

  36. I love this little apron. I am going to try it. thank you for sharing. Blessing to you

  37. Thank you for sharing! This is so much easier to follow than the pattern I purchased! Making these for Christmas gifts! Thank you! Merry Christmas!

  38. Just made this crayon apron to give to a fundraiser raffle and love it so much I will have to make five more before Christmas (4 girls, 1 boy) for my grandkids! I just LOVE your fabric choices and wish I had as good an eye for mixing and matching as you have. Thanks for this great idea !

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.


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