
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Spiderman Pillow Tutorial

I mentioned a while back that I was going to be updating my son's room for his 4th birthday.  This is a part of the Spiderman makeover

Here's what you'll need if you want to make your own:
  • red fleece
  • white fabric
  • black thread
  • stuffing for pillow

I started with this
I bought it on a whim because it was so cheap... I knew I wouldn't be using it as a fleece blanket, but I saw it as a great fabric for some future project.  I'm so glad I did!

I used the bottom of this pot for the chin and the top for the head.

Cut (2 pieces)

Marked the wrong sides

Drew some webby lines and where the eyes would go with chalk

and zigzag stitched them

I took some of the old canvas from the slipcover and made some eyes

then I used fusible interfacing to attach them and zigzag stitched around the edges.

I put the fabric pieces right sides together and sewed it up (leaving an opening to stuff).  You can see that the front side with all the zigzag stitches shrunk pretty significantly, but it still worked out just fine.

Then I had this!

I stuffed the pillow and stitched it closed.

Voila!  He LOVED it.  I have to admit, the handmade gifts don't always go over that well with my crowd; the kids would usually prefer some colorful piece of plastic.  But this was his favorite gift I think.

And here is a detail pic

There are many more room-transformation posts to come so stay tuned!  Thanks so much for visiting.

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Keeping It Simple


  1. SO cute! love how you did the stitching!

  2. Aw, that is adorable! Thank you for the step by step. My nephew LOVES spiderman and I've been looking for a DIY Christmas gift for him!

  3. Very cool :) This would be great with Yoda also I think !

  4. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. My middle loves Spiderman and would rock this at Rest Time in school. Amazing!

  5. My husband is Spidey fan from way back. He saw this over my shoulder and said it's spot on!

  6. Can't believe that you made this from scratch! Thanks for linking up to Things I've Done Thursday!


  7. That's awesome! My little guys would love something like that.

    I would love for you to link up your creation at

  8. So this is like the coolest think ever!!!!! You are one creative momma!!

  9. How unique and awesome.I love it..I would love for you to pls link and share this via my linky party today ~ Pin Inspitational Thursdays via TY.

  10. How awesome is this pillow? Great job!!!!

  11. Wow! My baby boy would love this. xo (new follower here!)

  12. what a fabulous idea! I would love if you would share this at my blog party this weekend. Hope you can make it!

  13. This is fantastic! My "baby" is in college and Spiderman is hanging up on his dorm wall. Some things they never outgrow

  14. So awesome! I'm working on a superhero themed room for my son, too. He would just die over a pillow like this.

  15. LOVE this!! My almost 4 year old has just started getting into superheros - he will go nuts for this pillow! Thanks for sharing!!

    ps - I'm your newest follower :)

  16. AWESOME!!! My boys would absolutely love this! You did a fantastic job! :)

  17. My son would love me forever if I made this for him. Great pillow!

  18. Hmmm... think I might just have to make one for my little man... great project! Thanks!

  19. Beautiful! My son would go crazy for this. I love your attention to detail- stunning.

  20. Cool! I love Spiderman! :o) I'm a new follower from Cure for the Common Monday.

    Please feel free to link up to my Make Yourself Monday blog hop!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  21. this is SOOO COOL!!! i love it:)

  22. Ha! That's so awesome! My son would LOVE this. So would my daughter, actually. Great idea! I have to pin it...

  23. Wow! I love this! I can see one of these in my future :)

  24. This is the cutest! I am so impressed! I can't wait to make fun things like this for my son when he gets older! Thanks so much for linking up at Show & Share! SO happy that you did!

  25. WOW! It looks great! I bet your little guy is loving it. Thanks for linking up to Mushki Loves, I am following your blog now!

    Have a great day!

  26. Too Cute!
    I'm going to have to save this for my grandsons!

    Thanx for sharing!


  27. wooow I love it!!!! I'm so doing this for my nephew!! thanks!!!!!!

  28. Just finished this pillow for my grandson. He loved it! I followed your steps and it worked perfectly. Thanks for a wonderful craft idea!!!

    1. It made my day to read this!!! Thanks for taking the time to come back and comment ;)

  29. Simply great tutorial with detailed instruction in images. Thanks for sharing this tutorial. I have basic knowledge of sewing. Hope I can be able to make this too.

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  31. I love this Spider-Man pillow. My granddaughter loves spidey girl so I will attempt to make spidey girl ... thanks so much!

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