
Monday, November 26, 2012

Amazing Apple and Cinnamon Chip Pancakes

Hi!  Things have been super busy here!  The etsy shop is keeping me occupied with plenty of Christmas orders but I've really missed blogging.

So I thought I'd do a quick post about one of the recipes I've been making a lot this fall: apple cinnamon chip pancakes!

They're super easy to make

Chop the apples pretty small so they'll cook quickly.  I used Gala apples.  Mix them into your favorite pancake batter.  If you'd like to make the batter from scratch, here is a great recipe.

After pouring some of the batter into the pan, sprinkle some cinnamon chips on top

The apples will cook a little bit, but still maintain some of their crispness.

Here is the bottom side of the pancake; you can see the chips on this side.

Mmmmmm, delish!

These are the cinnamon chips I used

I've been putting cinnamon chips into lots of different recipes lately... I especially like them in sugar cookies!

Have you tried cinnamon chips?  Any recommendations for other recipes to try them in?  Let me know in the comments!

And one more thing:
10% off in the creative imperative etsy store today!!!
Just enter CYBERMONDAY as the coupon code.



  1. Thanks for the great recipe idea. I was looking for things to put the cinnamon chips in. I had done pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies with cinnamon chips but this sounds delicious...I see a yummy breakfast for dinner in our future :-)

  2. I never knew you could get cinnamon chips! I will definitely have to try this ... looks yummy!

  3. You know, I've never used cinnamon chips...but this recipe just might get me to buy some. Must pin!! Come link up at my Linky Party.

  4. Oh, I cannot wait to try this! I love apple cinnamon oatmeal but never thought about making pancakes! Thanks for sharing!

  5. oh my goodness, this look delicious! Stopping by from Trendy treehouse!

  6. What a great idea! We would like to invite you to a blog hop! We are co-hosting with Adorned From Above. We would love to have you link up. The party is live and will run through Sunday. You can link up at
    Hope to see you there!
    Joye & Myrna
    The Busy Bee's

  7. These look fantastic! I bet they smell wonderful too! I might just make these for my boys soon :) Thanks for a great recipe!

  8. Cinnamon chips?! Mind. Blown! That sounds fantastic!!

    Hi! It's Jilly

  9. These look and sound FANTASTIC
    I looooooooooove everything with cinnamon :)

  10. What a great craft room! I LOVE that chalkboard frame! The detailing is beautiful!
    Bathroom Sink Grey

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