
Thursday, June 02, 2011

A Better Wall

I finally took down the crazy chalkboards and painted the entire wall in chalkboard paint.
Ahhhhh, that's better!
Now here are the crazies from before:

I thought this wall was great when I first repainted our kitchen.  The boards were picture frames from IKEA that I painted with this

  Now I'm having a "what was I thinking?!" moment.  I try to create a space in each room for the kids to be creative.  I envisioned them running up to the wall and drawing whenever they felt like it.  The bigger board was for our 2 year old (and for my to do lists) and the smaller one was for the baby.  It worked for a while.  Until the baby became a toddler, started taking her board off the wall and whacking her brother with it (she is small, but mighty).  Here is where our son drew his first "face"
So proud.  I don't know what the double chin is about, but whatever.
And then there were the chalk holders.  I bought little baskets from IKEA and drilled them into the wall.  I thought I was a genius.  Until my hilarious and very honest friend told me they kinda looked like urinals.  She was right.  NOT the image I want in my kitchen

So the whole thing had to go.  I had plenty of chalkboard paint leftover.  And I don't miss my old urinal wall one bit!

Thanks to my awesome husband, the switches and outlet match!  I thought I'd be OK with just changing out the switchplates, but that only lasted about a day.

I always ask for his help with anything electrical or plumbing related.  I just don't want to be responsible for flooding or burning down our house.

If you're curious about the raggy thing up top, The Nester calls it a ragamuffin garland.  I get so many of my home inspirations from her... she is amazing!  Here is a link for the tutorial if you'd like to make your own:  The Nester's Ragamuffin Garland.  I love having this thing for clipping up cards, kids' artwork, etc so my fridge isn't all cluttered.  Open spaces are a little hard to come by in our little townhouse and I try to keep the "stuff" around to a minimum.

This post is linked at the Craft-O-Maniac Link Party

See you again soon!


  1. Yay! I love how bold you are in re-doing things in your house. Every time I'm there you've done something that would take me months to decide to do and more months to get the time/bravery/supplies to do it! You're inspiring me to go Nike on house decor (Just do it!)

  2. Ahmagads, love it. (Although the urinal idea would have been kind of cute in a little boys room...) {: This will be so great. Love it too!

  3. This wall looks great! I found you @ HoH today [your caulking advice, which was wonderful too] and now I'm looking around at all your projects :) I'm your newest follower... love your humor!

  4. I just busted out laughing when I read chalk urinal! Your wall looks great...I wish I was bold enough to paint do something like that! I'm still rocking a neutral color all over the house. Love your projects, I'm following you now :)

    Jamie @


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