Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Create an Understated Valentines Day Mantel

Our mantel is difficult to decorate... the TV gets in the way of anything tall, which poses a challenge for using objects that vary in height.

I also didn't want to go over the top with red and pink hearts everywhere.  I was hoping to make it a little festive for the kids and a little ethereal for me.  The book page garland is a perfect fit for us!

I found an old book that had lost some pages and cut out a bunch of hearts with scissors.  I then fed them through my sewing machine in strings of anywhere from 3 to 11 hearts.  I left a long "tail" of thread at the top so I could secure them with tape to the mantel.  You could always tape the hearts to some string if you don't have access to a sewing machine.

I took this sign from the bedroom and added the glass bottles that I scored from a yard sale. 
 They are patron bottles that I bought from a crazy old tequila-drinking lady who cussed like a sailor.

Anyway, I filled the bottles with salt and made some of these coffee filter flowers from Revamp Homegoods.  My kids made some too so we turned it into a Valentine's Day craft morning!

Super simple and I'm happy with the results.  When there is a fire in the fireplace the hearts lightly sway and flutter... I love it!

What do you think?  Am I Scroogey mean mom for not wanting to cover the house in pink and red?

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. it's adorable! i love the book page hearts!

  2. I love the hearts and flower decor, I dislike the tv above the mantel. One of my pet peeves. Fireplaces are too pretty to have ugly tv's above them.

  3. I think they are beautiful! Unfortunately for me, no one even notices Valentine's Day in a house of men. I could get away with orange and lime green hearts if I wanted to! I love your idea...I think I'll steal it next year!

  4. Wow, this is so incredibly beautiful! I love it :) Thanks for showing us and have a great weekend!


  5. I love whites too, but went crazy with color this year:) New follow. Follow me back

  6. I like it understated :) Also love your Patron bottles. I've got a thing for bottles with seeded glass ;)

  7. The whites are simply beautiful and I love the hearts made out of book pages! Beautiful! Found you through Chic on a Shoestring Decorating and now I'm following. :)

  8. Really pretty! Found you via Whipperberry!

  9. Nice! Love your mantle and those coffee filter flowers! Thanks for the shoutout.

  10. Thats adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh my goodness I love it. First off the book garland is gorgeous and anything with! And no, you are not a scrooge at all! I decorated my holiday shelf (my faux mantle) in all black and whites for Valentine's too. Great minds think alike!

  12. Your mantel looks so pretty. I love the book page garland. It is so sweet.

  13. Gorgeous combo of winter and valentines... classic look. Stopping in from 6 sisters

  14. Love the book page garland and the white color scheme - so beautiful.
    I'd love for you to come over and share at Finding the Pretty & Delicious Linky Party.

  15. I love this - I don't want to cover my house in pink and red, either and this is a great look. Totally different topic: how did you mount your TV on the stone wall? Where are the cords?

    1. we used a regular flat screen mounting system... the house is wired for an HDMI and cable output right behind the TV. The kitchen, eating room and living room are all one big room so the area above the fireplace is the only wall in the house that is big enough for the TV. I guess the builder figured everyone would put it there so it came all prewired! Thanks for your sweet comment!

  16. This is so beautiful! I love white decoration and this looks so sophisticated and pretty!

  17. Love the book page hearts and the coffee filter flowers. It was worth putting up with a drunken woman to score the bottles - just right for the mantel.

  18. I love this - really really love it - I'm not so big on the red and pink either so this is a perfect fit for me!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  19. Thats it I'm now going to find a book to make these with. So inspired. Thanks :-)

  20. I love the hanging hearts, so sweet! I have an old dictionary I can use to make hearts. I found you from Homemaker on a Dime.

  21. I think it looks fantastic! I love the ethereal look you created.

  22. I love the printed hearts. Great ideas. I found you from the blog hop at My Girlie Whims. Really nice bog!

  23. Oh I love this! The white hearts look great!! I want to do something like this for our mantle.

  24. Your book page garlands are a nice change from all the red & pink projects! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm your newest follower.


  25. Jamie

    I think as long as there are some are all good. I like that your garlands are vertical. I did that with stars around the holidays and loved it.

    Confession: I cut a ton of hearts on my Cameo and still haven't sewn them. Oops. No decorations here at the frat house just yet.

    I've been on a book page kick lately too {made a wreath back in December}.

    Sharing your mantel at my Valentine's pinterest.


  26. I love the book page hearts!! everything looks beautiful.


  27. Love your Valentines mantel. The hearts are the best. So creative. I would love it if you would link it up to my party.

  28. I love your mantel! I think it's great that you kept it neutral. Red and pink can get over the top really fast. I think it's beautiful and I really love the book page hearts!

  29. Thank you for the idea of the heart garland. I made some the other day to decorate my living room with for Valentines Day. Such an affordable way to decorate without going overboard! Thank you for always being such an inspiration!

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